Aj and myself had decided to head to Dunkirk in France for a kite land board competition for Saturday the 6th April. The weekend started at 11 o'clock Friday night, when we decided to drive though the night to catch a ferry to France, to end up there at 4 in the morning! Trying to find a hotel at that time is a nightmare, finally we found a place after 2 hours of driving! Finally managed to get 2 hours sleep before the event started, as the riders meeting was at 10:00am.
On arrival the tide was high, so we had no idea what the beach was going to be like, but the wind felt good for my 11m Flexifoil Force. The turn out was good, 31 riders in total. The vibe was nice and relaxed with lots of chatting and funny antics going on, as we all waited for the tide to go out.
Before we started the freestyle, there was a land board race event which you don't often see in the UK. The freestyle competition was run very differently from any other I'v been to. The riders in the previous heat, judge your heat and so on. But I think this added to the relaxed feel and the fun that was had!
The level of riding out there was high, I managed to get
13th out of
26 riders in the freestyle!!
Aj killed it with some big dangle passes and got the win congratulations to him!
Riders Meeting. |
Laurent Kite Long Boarding. |
The Beach Was Real Nice! |
Kite Land Board Racing. |
Abe having a super kite day! |
Laughing at how cold it was! Aj (left) Kris Beech (right). |
Railey in one of my heats! |
Flexifoil Force. |
Aj dangle pass. |
Aj enjoying the win!
I would just like to thank Flexifoil Kites, Aj Philipson, Abe Alzouman, Laurent Guyot, Push Kiting and Super Kite Day for all their support. The DFC kite club put on an epic event, thanks guys see you the same time next year!!!!
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