9th Place Flymasters Netherlands

The Flymasters took place on 24th-25th of October, on the big sandy beach of Ijmuidrslag in the Netherlands. This place has to be the best spot I have ridden in Europe and in the last 2 years has provided every one with perfect conditions to compete in, so would it provide for a 3rd year running??….

The Friday

So we left England late Thursday night to get to the Netherlands for a practice session Friday mid day. Luckily for me this is the home of one of my sponsors, Peter Lynn Kites. This was great as I got to pick my new kites, meaning it was a great chance to have a blast on the new 2016 Fury. Even though the wind was light I took the 17m out for a blast…… and it was epic. We ended up shooting photos and taking videos until it was starting to get dark.

The Saturday

This was competition day, on arrival to the beach there was a lot of riders getting kites out, ready for a quick practice before the comp. I have to say the turn out was really good. The competition was started with the junior kite land board, then the pro mens land board. The heats sheets where up and I was up against Pascal Lohmann. We headed out in to the competition area, the buzzer sounded the start of the heat, at which point something felt a bit odd… managed to get a few tricks double invert, board off…. then it hit me, I'd just noticed I had a flat tyre. I continued to try and make the best of this situation, but unfortunately for me it was just like having one wheel on your wagon (hard work and very frustrating) this left me with 9th place and 7th place overall in pro mens freestyle on the KLBB European kite land board tour. 

The Sunday

This was land board race day, the wind was very light and since I don’t race it was a nice day to watch the racing, chill out, catch up with friends and go for a free ride.


Getting Inverted 

On the way to a 360 Board Off 

Having a blast 

Event stands

Epic Kite spot 

Big Thanks to Peter Lynn Kites, Trampa Boards,  Aj for driving me there and any one else who has supported me this year. 


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